Test af Abit SI7-G Bundkort

Diverse d.  28. marts. 2003, skrevet af Calium 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 378 gange.

VR-Zone tester denne gang Abit nye SI7-G bundkort. Dette bundkort er baseret på SiS R658 chipsættet, som skulle understøtte Rambus PC 1066 - 1200 RAM . Selv denne gang har Abit valgt, at udføre PCB'et, af bundkortet, i deres rød/orange farve. Alt i alt har Abit gjort, et rigtig godt stykke arbejde!

Dette siger VR-Zone:

"ABIT SI7-G although has a good memory bandwidth but high latency takes a toll on the overall performance. As such it sometimes performs on par and even lower in some cases against the Intel 845PE. This is a little tricky here as it may be due to the board, BIOS or the chipset itself. This board has got its potential and we just have to wait for ABIT to identify and solve the problem and then i would not hesitate to recommend this board to the overclockers especially those who want the maximum performance out of their systems"

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