Få den helt rigtige Tbred B CPU

Diverse d.  08. april. 2003, skrevet af Quickmcj 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 350 gange.

En kanon artikel, som er guld værd (Bokstaveligtalt) da den beskriver hel præcist hvordan man finder den helt rette Tbred B og derved kan få sig en OC der nærmer sig 100%

"Ask any production manager and they will tell you that, its common practice to try to keep the number of production lines in a plant to the lowest possible number. Its not only much more cost effective, it also keeps equipment maintenance to a minimal. Now put this concept at a microchip fabrication plant, and what happens is high grade processors are mass produced in possibly a single production line, and then sold as different products. While this isn't exactly breaking news, it isn't always that easy to know what production line the chip was originally designed at. More then often, higher production processors are down marked in order to fulfill higher demands and also to keep the production lines at a minimal. "
