ASUS Tek præsentere ny AI serie

Diverse d.  12. april. 2003, skrevet af Calium 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 342 gange.

ASUS har længe været på markedet med deres produkter.
Nu kommer der en ny serie af bundkort som skulle hedde "AI"

"Asus is now officially marketing the new 'AI' or artificial intelligence features for their upcoming mainboards. The i875 Canterwood based P4C800 is such a board with Dual Channel DDR400 and AGP 8x support.

The specific 'AI' features extend to the whole system instead of just the BIOS as many have thought beforehand. These motherboards include automatic and intelligent features for Gbit LAN, 6-channel audio, BIOS recovery technology and more."

- Af nye ting i denne serie, skulle disse være nogle af dem:

AI Audio - Intelligent Audio-Sensing Technology
AI Net - Intelligent Net-Diagnosing Utility
AI Overclocking - Intelligent CPU Frequency Tuner
AI BIOS - Intelligent Auto-Recovery BIOS and More

Der er dog ikke fastlagt en dato for, hvornår vi vil se disse nye produkter...

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