
Diverse d.  14. april. 2003, skrevet af Zonker 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 286 gange.

Her bringes dagens tip direkte fra kilden.

Give WinXP a Swirly:
If you are having long page load times and such, you might very well be battling DNS issues. We have of course changed IPs and that will leave many of us chasing our tails for a while. We have taken all the steps that we can to make it as painless as possible including leaving a DNS server behind to catch any stragglers.

If you are a WindowsXP user, which I know most of you are, simply bring up the Command Prompt window and type "ipconfig /flushdns" and press the enter key. This will get rid of old DNS entries cached by Windows. Not a bad idea to do this a couple times a week anyway if you are a big surfer.

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