Har markante forbedringer over det normale TI4200 design, og det kan ses på ydelsen.
"With the GeForce FX just around the corner in terms of mainstream availability, the GeForce 4 product line still has a few punches to throw, and XFX is throwing out a left hook with their newest graphics inception, the XFX GeForce 4 Ti 4200 Turbo 8X AGP graphics card. Based on the GeForce 4 Ti 4800 8 layered PCB, the XFX Ti 4200 Turbo is not only seated in an extra large PCB, but is also running at a memory speed of 620mhz, more than 100mhz faster than their normal GeForce 4 Ti 4200 8X AGP graphics card." http://www.vr-zone.com/reviews/XFX/Ti4200-8XTurbo/