Ikke et review, men giver indblik i hvad man muligvis skal ud og invisterer i, når de rammer markedet for alvor...
"So here we are, first quarter of 2003 and inundated with graphics cards already. It's certainly been a good past few months for the consumer in the graphics industry, fierce competition between ATI and Nvidia's old and new offerings has certainly given the customer a great deal of choice. It's worth noting that the greatest share of the market comes from OEM machines and the sale of budget graphics cards - today we'll be looking at Nvidia's latest offerings the FX5200 (NV34), FX5200 Ultra (NV34) and the FX5600 Ultra(NV31). These are budget offerings targetted at the lower end of the enthusiast market (NV31) and the budget/OEM market (NV34). In addition, we're going to be giving you the latest info on the GeForceFX mobile part launched yesterday. " http://www.bit-tech.net/article/107/