Eftersigende et ret "kedeligt" kort, da 9500 Pro åbenbart er mindst ligeså hurtigt. Dog har 9600 Pro nogle nye teknologier som 9500 Pro ikke besidder.
"With the new utility installed and ready to go, we began pushing the slider skywards. Initially, we approached this card like we would any other. The core frequency was raised in 5MHz increments and then initially tested for stability by running through 3 consecutive runs of 3DMark2003. Before long, we were jumping upwards in 10MHz increments to hit 500MHz with no hint of strain on the part of the graphics card. At this point, some serious doubts as to if the utility was actually working as advertised began to form. A few runs of 3DMark2001's Fill-Rate test were completed and examined. Sure enough, the fill-rate was increasing as the slider was raised. Incredibly enough, we were looking at a 100MHz core overclock and we felt as though we had certainly not hit the ceiling yet." http://www.hardocp.com/article.html?art=NDY0