Soltek springer på vognen...

Diverse d.  21. maj. 2003, skrevet af The Boss 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 1742 gange.

Soltek's New Springdale-PE / G Mainboard " Violet Eyes"

Soltek Computer Inc. today officially announces its new Socket 478 mainboard based on the 865PE and 865G chipset: SL-86SPE/-L, SL-86MP/-L. This will be the world wide first Springdale mainboard with Violet PCB.

Soltek special Springdale series "Violet Eyes" mainboards are available now, each ATX "Violet Eyes" mainboard will come with Soltek Special Violet packaging and hand bag.

Og se så lige her hvad Soltek selv skriver....

Soltek 865PE/GE Mainboards Reaches World's Highest FSB: FSB 1200MHz!

Through our R&D's effort, now SL-86SPE(-L) / SL-86MP(-L) are able to run overclocking up to 1200MHz FSB! This is the highest FSB in the world till now!

Come enjoying from Soltek high-speed performance with 1200MHz FSB!