Gamere reagere hurtigere!

Diverse d.  30. maj. 2003, skrevet af Calium 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 543 gange.

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Researchers have found that gaming improves visual skills, and pretty quickly at that.

If you like that, what you'll like even more is that it's the violent games like Grand Theft Auto and Medal of Honor that hone your skills, not the nicey-nice ones like Tetris.

A few quotes:

"Game-players react to fast-moving objects more efficiently, explains Bavelier, and can track up to five objects at a time - 30% more than non-players. "They can process more information more quickly over time," she says."

"Improvements came with "the least socially desirable games", Wolfe points out - those in which shooting and killing is commonplace. The fact that you are defending your own life in these games may be what makes their lessons stick, Wolfe speculates."

"These skills might help people to drive more safely . . . . [V]isually impaired stroke patients or people recovering from cataract surgery might benefit from playing similar games."

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