Vi venter stadig på at få en mellem vores fedtede fingre, men imens må vi jo kigge på hvad de lidt større sites syntes om Chip-Con's nye Prometeia kølesystem. Det nye kølesystem er døbt "Mach II" og der er sket en del ændringer fra det almindelig Prometeia system.
"Chip-Con recently launched the Prometeia Mach 2, which we have been putting through its paces in an eight-week endurance test. At this point we are sure of one thing: of all the compressor-driven cooling systems on the market today, the Prometeia Mach 2 is the cream of the crop. The THG lab set itself the goal of creating a new P4 overclocking record using this powerful cooling system. By December 2002 we had already achieved a stable 4.1 GHz system speed. This time, we wanted to hit 4.3 GHz!" Læs resten her: