Ultimate Thermal Paste Round up

Diverse d.  22. juli. 2003, skrevet af Crazzy 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 469 gange.

Ultimate Thermal Paste Round up

Jeg ved godt der næsten lige har være en kølepasta Roundup, men synes denne er mere fyldestgørende end den anden. TheCrucible.ca har testet hele 21 forskellige kølepastaer.
So there you have it 3000+ hours of work, 20+ pastes and still no clear winner. The Nanotherm PCM+ leads the pack with a slim margin, and it is great for those that don't want to take the time to make sure that the paste is thin and even. Arctic Silver's Ceramique also put up a great showing, keeping pace with the PCM+ and Shin Etsu pastes.
