GamePC tester Opteron 246

Diverse d.  10. september. 2003, skrevet af KIJ 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 658 gange.

GamePC har fået fingrene i to af AMDs helt nye Opteron 246 processorer, der kører med en clockfrekvens på 2 GHz. De har kørt to sæt benchmarks, et hvor de bruger 2 processorer i et system, og sætter Opteron op imod Xeon, og et andet sæt, hvor de tester Opteron mod den hurtigste Pentium 4. I begge tilfælde er Opteron hurtigst i langt de fleste tests, hvilket tegner godt for AMD, der jo annoncerer desktopversionen af Opteron, Athlon 64, om under to uger, den 23. september. Her er et udsnit af testen:

As you can see, the Opteron 246 does not have a complete and total victory over Intel, but the percentage of Opteron performance wins is surely impressive for AMD. In both single processor and multi-processor tests, the Opteron shows itself to be a force to be reckoned with. The Opteron still suffers in synthetic benchmarks and encoding areas, but shows excellent performance in terms of gaming, content creation, scientific applications, and raw memory bandwidth.

Judging by what we're seeing today, we feel that the Opteron 246 is certainly justified as the world's fastest PC processor. Neither the Pentium 4 3.2 GHz nor the Xeon 3.06 GHz/1MB has proved itself to beat the Opteron 246 in a majority of benchmarks. It's just a stellar chip.

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