Halo til PC er gold

Diverse d.  15. september. 2003, skrevet af Greforb 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 838 gange.

Endelig skete det som mange har gået og ventet på i et par år, Halo til PC er gået gold og sendt til trykken. Man forventer spillet i butikkerne den 30. september 2003. Her er et udklip af pressemeddelelsen:

"Halo, the critically acclaimed best-selling Xbox game, is coming to Windows gamers for the first time with new exclusive features, including online multiplayer support, new maps, vehicles and weapons. Halo is optimized for the PC with the precision offered by the mouse-and-keyboard and full support for high-end hardware including graphic resolutions up to 1600 by 1200 and beyond. Halo's online multiplayer feature will enable players to battle it out with fellow gamers worldwide in a variety of individual and team-based games. Halo for Windows was developed by Gearbox Software in conjunction with Bungie Studios. For more information, please visit the official site at http://www.microsoft.com/games/halo/."