AMD annoncerer low-power Opteron

Diverse d.  17. september. 2003, skrevet af KIJ 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 411 gange.

AMD har netop annonceret to varianter af deres Opteron processor. Disse beskrives som henholdsvis mid og low-power varianter, og strømforbruget skulle ligge på 55 og 30 Watt. Disse sigter imod markedet for de såkaldte Clustere og Blade-servere, hvor sidstnævnte er et marked hvor Intel hidtil har været det eneste alternativ, senest med Pentium M. Her er pressemeddelelsen:

- Full product line is planned to support the rack dense and modular system

BOSTON-SEPTEMBER 16, 2003-At the Embedded Systems Conference, AMD today announced that it plans to offer customers mid- and low-power AMD
Opteron(tm) processors in the first half of 2004. The mid- and low-power AMD Opteron processors, to be available at 55 watts and 30 watts, are designed to provide customers with a wide variety of solutions, extending into the AMD Opteron 100-, 200-, and 800- series product lines. "AMD is once again entering new markets and offering additional choice to our customers," said Marty Seyer, vice president and general manager of AMD's Microprocessor Business Unit. "AMD is already a leader in providing low power, high performance processors to the market. With mid- and low-power AMD Opteron processors, AMD will now enable an enterprise to employ a common infrastructure based on AMD64 technology at all levels of their computing environment - from high performance clusters to blade servers." Enterprise computing systems that require power conservation, such as blade servers and storage devices, are gaining in popularity due to their scalability, ease of management and cost efficiency. In addition, mid- and low-power processors are a requirement for many server systems housed in large computing centers where power consumption and heat affects operating costs. The AMD Opteron processor's high memory throughput and I/O bandwidth are ideal for products that must quickly move and manipulate large datasets, while consuming minimum power. "The blade server market is expected to experience tremendous growth in the next few years," said Mark Melenovsky, Director, Server Research with IDC. "The benefits to be recognized by enterprise IT departments in terms of lower total cost of ownership and ease of management will mean more and more companies will turn to blade servers for their data center solutions." This growing customer base will now be able to recognize the new level of computing available with AMD64 technology. About the AMD Opteron(tm) Processor The AMD Opteron processor is based on AMD's eighth-generation processor core, which marks the introduction of the industry's first 64-bit, x86 technology implementation. This technology preserves companies' investments in 32-bit applications, while allowing a seamless transition to 64-bit computing as those companies require. The AMD Opteron processor is designed to deliver high-performance server and workstation solutions for today's most demanding enterprise applications. The processor is scalable, reliable and compatible, which can result in lower total cost of ownership. Key AMD Opteron processor innovations include an integrated memory controller, which reduces memory bottlenecks, and HyperTransport(tm) technology, which increases overall performance by removing or reducing I/O bottlenecks, increasing bandwidth and reducing latency. About AMD Founded in 1969 and based in Sunnyvale, California, AMD (NYSE: AMD) is a global supplier of integrated circuits for the personal and networked computer and communications markets with manufacturing facilities in the United States, Europe, Japan, and Asia. AMD, a Standard & Poor's 500 company, produces microprocessors, Flash memory devices, and silicon-based solutions for communications and networking applications.