Athlon 64 FX vs. Pentium 4 EE

Diverse d.  22. september. 2003, skrevet af KIJ 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 338 gange.

Så skete det, den første test af de tre nye processorer, der officielt bliver frigivet i morgen er på nettet. Det er den franske side, X86Secret, der har brudt tavsheden. Hvis du skulle være i tvivl, så er der tests af Athlon 64 FX-51, Athlon 64 3200+ og Pentium 4 EE 3.2 GHz. Og de har rent faktisk haft muligheden for at lave en lille 64-bit test, som ser ud til at være udført i Windows XP 64-bit Edition, og testen, som går ud på at pakke en 100 MB fil, går mere end dobbelt så hurtig i 64 bit end i 32 bit !!! Men det er nok ikke nogle resultater der holder...:-)

In 32 bits, one notes that the AMD form a "group" and P4, a second, more powerful. Very is reversed at the time of the passage in 64 bits since Athlon 64 3200+ is 2x faster than in 32 bits. 64 bits twice faster than the 32 bits? A beautiful Utopia which one can explain here only by a carefully "optimized" benchmark. Let us note however that the profit in performances is quite real and could be interesting in the years to come. Now remain to know the profit brought in heavier applications to be able to consider utility immediate of technology x86-64.

Without question, Athlon 64 is left there better in the plays that in the applications calculations and other. Exceeding Pentium 4 3.2 Ghz of 10%, Athlon 64 3200+ offer here a result more than excellent. Pentium 4 3.2 Ghz EE limits breakage while being placed respectively to 4% and 8% behind Athlon 64 3200+ and Athlon 64 Fx-51. One also notes the significant profit between Athlon XP 3200+ and Athlon 64 3200+: 25%!! One will thank here the controller integrated report and his very weak latency.

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