Antec Notebook Cooler

Diverse d.  29. september. 2003, skrevet af legebarN 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 3048 gange.

Antec har produceret denne køler til din bærbare.
Af "pros" kan bl.a. nævnes det lave batteriforbrug og at blæserne er næsten uhørlige.
Mange vil nok mene at det er ligegyldigt idet at OC af bærbare ikke er særlig udbredt (jeg har aldrig hørt om det), tilgengæld forlænger det i teorien levetiden af din bærbare.
Lidt pudsigt at man skal vende den "omvendt" for at opnå maksimal ydeevne.

"The temperature tests were a bit surprising to me...especially the desk temp. The ineffective cooling during the "in lap" test may be explained by poor ventilation. When the laptop (and cooler) is sitting on your lap, the airflow is diminished and the cooler ends up recirculating warmer and warmer air. This was noted in the literature that came with the cooler...Antec states "place on a firm, stable surface when in use. Make sure the bottom exhaust vents are not blocked...""