Pentium 4 EE klar i morgen

Diverse d.  05. oktober. 2003, skrevet af KIJ 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 486 gange.

Ifølge The Inquirer vil Intel's nye Pentium 4 Extreme Edition (EE) være klar fra i morgen. Pentium 4 EE adskiller sig fra den normale Pentium 4 ved at have 2 MB On-Die L3 cache, et koncept som er "lånt" fra Intel's server-processor Xeon.

ONE OF THE BRITISH lads who runs a hardware website ? David Ross of, reckons that Intel will make its 3.20Ghz XeonMP Pentium 4 available to the world+dog tomorrow ? and in quantity.
David ought to know ? he was picked on selected by Intel Britain to review the chip, but Intel apparently forgot to tell him and others how much the XeonMP converted to 478 pins would cost.

As Intel wasn't selling very many XeonMP 2MB cache chips at $3,700, it was only the matter of a moment for the firm to swap production, and remove the extra engineering which justified the high price tag for your failsafe servers, Gallatin-wise.

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