Sun Solaris til AMD64

Diverse d.  11. oktober. 2003, skrevet af KIJ 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 472 gange.

Sun har annonceret at de vil lave en 64-bit version af deres Solaris styresystem til AMD's 64 bit processorer. Solaris til AMD64 skulle være klar i en test version allerede i første kvartal næste år, den endelige version vil være klar i løbet af 2004.

Solaris, Sun's version of Unix, already runs on 32-bit "x86" processors including AMD's Athlon and Intel's Xeon. But Sun also will release a version in 2004 that will take advantage of the 64-bit extensions that make Opteron different from those other chips, Sun software chief Jonathan Schwartz told reporters in a meeting here Thursday.

Sun made the decision because of the speed that software shows on Opteron, Schwartz said. "It is highly performant on the systems we've looked at now," he said.

A test version of Solaris for Opteron is scheduled to arrive in the first quarter of 2004, with the final version later in the year, Schwartz said.

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