Dual-Channel RAM roundup

Diverse d.  11. oktober. 2003, skrevet af Hawski 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 505 gange.

Dual-Channel RAM er et udtryk der er ligeså berømt som varme rundstykker er til en kold søndag morgen. Selvfølgelig skal vi også have et review af de store fabrikanters RAM produkter.

RAM-blokkene bliver testet i et Abit IC7-G MAX med en tilhørende P4-C 2.4GHz (lyder som en meget velkendt kombination til intel-folket).

Quote fra review'et:

Due to the massive amount of memory being tested, we choose to cut down on the amount of tests when compared to our last Dual Channel roundup. We have chosen to include SiSoft Sandra Max 3 as it really does give us the maximum theoretical speeds of memory and it gives people a good idea on how these numbers affect real world gaming. PCMark 2002 is another benchmark that is purely numbers, it gives us an idea on what the maximum performance of the memory is but when it comes to real world gaming we don?t always see these numbers translate correctly.

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