MSI K8T Neo review

Diverse d.  14. oktober. 2003, skrevet af Hawski 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 403 gange.

HardOCP er kendt for sine meget grundige gennemgange af alle bundkort, der lægges meget vægt på layout af bundkortet samt overclocking.

HardOCP synes godt om layoutet på MSI's K8T Neo bundkort, selvom der er et par få ting der nager dem. Bl.a den passive køleprofil på northbridge, samt den manglende køleprofil på southbridge. Derudover syntes lydkortet at være af dårlig kvalitet.

Overclocking på bundkortet ser ud til at være begrænset, indtil videre, Kyle gør dog opmærksom på, at dette bundkort er en tidlig revision, og meget kan ændre sig i fremtiden:

I will first tell you that this was a very early sample of this board and there are many things here that are not likely represented in the retail product. Due to scheduling and trips to Asia, we had to deal with the sample that we had. Certainly we want to show our readers what retail products are all about but this review would best be listed as a PREview for all intents and purposes. I would not let this review case a bad light on your decision to purchase this product and would definitely look to other reviewers in the coming month or two in order see a more finished product.

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