HP vil benytte Athlon 64 i ny Presario pc.

Diverse d.  17. november. 2003, skrevet af KIJ 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 1011 gange.

Ifølge Cnet News.com vil HP lancere en ny pc baseret på Athlon 64, Presario 8000Z skulle kunne købes allerede fra onsdag. Compaq Presario 8000Z vil i grundkonfigurationen være udstyret med en Athlon 64 3200+, 256 MB PC3200 DDR-SDRAM, en 80 GB harddisk, et ATi Radeon 9200 grafikkort, samt et DVD-Rom drev. Prisen vil være US$ 1239. HP er dermed den første producent af pc'ere med 64-bit understøttelse i USA, og det er en stor sejr for AMD, at HP vil benytte Athlon 64 i deres high-end pc'ere, normalt har HP kun benyttes AMD processorer i mainstream pc'ere.

HP, which will launch the Presario 8000Z at this week's Comdex technology trade show in Las Vegas plans to use the desktop to serve a variety of PC enthusiasts, said James Oliver, product manager for configure-to-order Presario desktops.

"The (Athlon 64) FX 51--There's some value in that new technology, but at this point in time we felt the 3200+ fit our lineup much better," Oliver said. "While the 8000Z is great for gaming, it's not going to be our gaming platform. This is an overall performance platform."

The most basic 8000Z configuration available will pair the Athlon 64 3200+ processor with 256MB of PC 3200 RAM, an 80GB had drive, a DVD-ROM, an ATI Radeon 9200 graphics card and Microsoft's Windows XP Home Edition operating system. It will start at $1,239, before a $100 mail-in rebate, Oliver said.

A more typical configuration is likely to cost about $2,400, before the $100 rebate. It would include the Athlon 64 3200+, along with 512MB of RAM, a 160GB hard drive, a DVD burner, a secondary DVD-ROM, an Nvidia GeForce FX 5950 Ultra graphics board, a SoundBlaster Audigy 2 sound card, a pair of Klipsch 2.1 speakers and Microsoft's Windows XP Professional and Office 2003 Basic Edition, Oliver said.

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