Prescott bundkort designet til 150 Watt

Diverse d.  05. januar. 2004, skrevet af KIJ 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 545 gange.

Rygter fortæller at bundkort-producenter designer de kommende Prescott-kompatible bundkort, så de kan klare processorer med et energiforbrug på 150 Watt. Det gør de fordi en Prescott processor på 3.8 GHz faktisk vil bruge så meget strøm. For at sætte det lidt i perspektiv, sluger et typisk 32" fjernsyn faktisk mindre strøm.

Our motherboard contacts in Taiwan tell us they can't understand just why Intel has decided to blaze the trail in 2004. And just in case they're caught short by Chipzilla's apparent recklessness, motherboards they're designing for the middle of the year will support a not-so-cool 150 watts, just in case Intel gets a 3.8GHz Prescott out of the door.

The Prescott-ordinaire, or "Shell of Prescott" isn't a problem. It's those hunky chunky 3.6GHz plus babies that are giving the Taiwanese mobo makers a swift attack of the heebie jeebies.

PCI Express, according to the publicly available specs, might well require two power rails for everything to proceed hunky-dory. One other thing. Intel is keeping as quiet about its 2004 plans to its Taiwanese "partners" as it is to the gentlefolk of the press.

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