Lav pris og masser af markedsføring skal angiveligt være med til at sælge den nye Prescott processor. Prescott ser ikke ud til at kunne byde på forbedringer i ydelsen, i forhold til tidligere generationer, og den hårde konkurrence fra AMD, gør at en Pentium 4 "Prescott" 3 GHz vil koste US$ 175, hvilket vil svare til en pris under 1500 danske kroner.
But instead of positioning the Prescott Pentium 4 as a frequency heavy power beast, Intel will use the other big guns in its armoury ? prices and marketing ? to sock it to AMD in February.
Intel will offer 3GHz Pentium 4, Prescott core processors in early February for only $175, making these chips highly competitive with AMD's own bang for the buck chips. The 3GHz hypethreaded Pentium 4 Prescotts are highly cost efficient, and Intel hopes and believes that its extensive distribution and corporate channel partners will bite the bullet on these chips as they upgrade their ageing PCs in 2004.
What's worse for AMD is that Intel's new Prescott Celerons are as cheap as chips and will once again offer system integrators a nice little earner while offering reasonable performance. Læs mere på TheInquirer.net: http://www.theinquirer.net/?article=13714