Lanceringen af Prescott

Diverse d.  02. februar. 2004, skrevet af Aagaard 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 715 gange.

Så er Prescott ved at være på markedet, og de første store, amerikanske hardware-sites har allerede udarbejdet reviews af Prescott. har lavet et spændende og uddybende review, som viser Prescott-corens ydelse på nuværende tidspunkt.

?Intel Pentium 4 (Prescott). At present this processor family from Intel based on the new 90nm core doesn?t demonstrate any worthy advantages over the predecessors. Although, we didn?t expect much today, to tell the truth. Prescott core was first of all developed to allow Intel increase the core clock frequency potential of its Pentium 4 processor family. The current models, however, cannot boast high working frequencies compared with Northwood. Therefore, Prescott based processors are often even slower than those on a 130nm Northwood core. In fact, there are only two types of tasks where improved NetBurst architecture of the Prescott core shows its advantages. They are data compression and compilation. In all other cases, Northwood based CPUs run as fast as Prescott based ones, or even faster.?

Hele reviewet er 14 sider langt, og må anses som god læsning, hvis man er processorinteresseret.

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