Test med Linux v2.6: Opteron vs. Itanium 2

Diverse d.  04. februar. 2004, skrevet af KIJ 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 297 gange.

Infoworld har testet nyeste version 2.6 af Linux kernen, og de sammenligner ydelsen mellem Intel Itanium 2, AMD Opteron og Intel Xeon, med deres respektive teknologier, IA-64, AMD64 og x86. Og det bliver en overbevisende sejr til AMD Opteron, som ser ud til at være begrænset af sit Gigabit-netværkskort, noget som Intels processorer ikke opnår.

The Web server tests also showed significant improvement. The static page test used a 21.5KB HTML page with two 25KB images served by Apache 2.0.48. The test was measured in requests per second using Apache?s ab benchmarking tool. The Xeon tests show the v2.6 kernel outperforming v.2.4 by just under 1,000 requests per second, a 40 percent increase. The Itanium tests showed v2.6 providing a 47 percent performance increase, while the Opteron tests showed a 7 percent increase. It should be noted that the Opteron system outperformed the other two servers by more than 1,000 requests per second with the v2.4 kernel, and the smaller increase may be due to network bandwidth constraints imposed on the server. In retrospect, I believe that if I upped the network connectivity of the Newisys box with bonded Gigabit Ethernet NICs, I could push it even faster.

Læs det hele her: http://www.infoworld.com/article/04/01/30/05FElinux_1.html