Asus P4SDX Deluxe review

Diverse d.  11. februar. 2003, skrevet af Quickmcj 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 482 gange.

"For months now Intel has offered the fastest chipset for their Pentium 4 processor, the Dual-Channel solution codenamed Granite Bay lived up to our expectations. Utilizing just DDR266 the Granite Bay (E7205) chipset was able to outperform competing VIA and SiS chipsets running much higher spec DDR modules such as DDR333/400. After realizing the true potential of these Dual-Channel DDR solutions it became quite clear that the conventional Single-Channel DDR chipsets would quickly phase out. The brilliant part about the Granite Bay chipset was the fact that it only utilized DDR266. Sure DDR266 runs at much lower frequencies than current DDR400 modules however, offering 4.2GB/s in the dual configuration meets the bandwidth requirements of the P4 processor. The advantages to using the older DDR266 memory type is much cheaper memory modules relaxed memory timings and added stability. Unfortunately, the only drawback was the costs involved to acquire a motherboard sporting the Granite Bay chipset. All of the boards that I have already reviewed are priced well over the $200 US mark retailing for $240 US+. "