Sun har annonceret den nye Fire V20z server, som benytter AMDs Opteron processorer, og det er første resultat af samarbejdet mellem Sun og AMD. Fire V20z er en dual-processor rack-server, som kun fyder 1U. Med mulighed for op til 16 GB RAM, kan Fire V20z opfylde manges behov for en hurtig server.
Delivering a compelling price/perfomance solution, the Sun Fire V20z server features an integrated memory controller, up to 16 GB of memory, up to two Ultra320 SCSI hard drives, dual on-board Gigabit Ethernet, and Lights Out Management. This set of features is ideal for a wide range of applications, including high-performance technical computing, Web or application serving, database management, and grid computing. Læs testen her: http://www.amd.com/us-en/Corporate/VirtualPressRoom/0,,51_104_543~82315,00.html