Xeon MP når under US$ 1000 for første gang...

Diverse d.  06. april. 2004, skrevet af KIJ 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 687 gange.

Intels dyreste 32-bit processor, Xeon MP, er for første gang nået under US$ 1000, nogensinde. En Xeon MP 2.0 GHz med 1 MB L3 cache er blevet sat ned til US$ 856, hvilket er et prisfald på 27 %. Selvom det næppe er noget som kommer menig-mand ved, så er det interessant at konkurrencen fra AMDs Opteron er så stor, at Intel tager dette skridt. En AMD Opteron 8xx processsor kan købes for helt ned til US$ 698.

Previously Intel has never moved pricing of its MP processors to below $1000 level, but today there are Opteron 800-series microprocessors some of which are priced at $698 and $873 in quantities from 1000 units. Sometime in the second quarter of the year, about 12 months after the AMD Opteron introduction, it is possible to expect chips from Sunnyvale, California-based company to gain momentum in the multiprocessor server space. Since Intel certainly does not want to lose a single Xeon MP design to AMD, the firm may try to increase competitiveness of its products by relatively low price.

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