Styre-enheder d. 18. december. 2016, skrevet af cmnielsen 0 Kommentarer. Vist: 2805 gange.
Gamingmus kommer i forskellige former og udseender, som er baseret på deres særlige anvendelser. For eksempel, har MMO-mus ofte masser af programmerbare knapper på siden, mens mus til FPS spil er designet med hurtigere og mere præcis styring. Mus kan også have forskellige typer greb såsom håndflade eller fingerspids greb. For dem der anvender "claw-grip" og som søger en alsidig gaming mus, er BIOSTARS nye RACING AM3 værd at kigge på.
Musen har en præcision på op til 5000DPI, og den er designet til at imødekomme behovene hos gamere til en rimelig pris uden at ofre kvaliteten eller funktioner.
Gaming musens funktioner kan ændres. DPI-indstillingerne kan sættes til 800/1200/2400/5.000. Man kan programmere museknapper, oprette makroer, og meget mere, ved hjælp af Biostar's Racing AM3 software.
Herunder er hvad de selv skriver om den i deres pressemeddelelse:
BIOSTAR is pleased to announce the introduction of its latest gaming peripheral and the latest addition to the BIOSTAR RACING series family of performance products: the BIOSTAR RACING AM3 gaming mouse. Built around a high-precision PMW 3320 sensor, the RACING AM3 gaming mouse comes with enhanced precision up to 5000DPI resolution to satisfy your gaming needs. The BIOSTAR RACING AM3 will have an MSRP of $15.99.
A step-up from your traditional gaming mouse, the BIOSTAR RACING AM3 gaming mouse is designed to aid gamers who are looking for a precision, high-performance mouse that can meet their needs. With BIOSTAR’s experience, they have come up with the BIOSTAR RACING AM3 to offer their flagship mouse for the gaming masses, taking feedback from gamers as well as years of experience when designing the RACING AM3 gaming mouse. The result is an incredibly precise, high-performing and high-quality gaming mouse with the perfect balance of price and features.
The BIOSTAR RACING AM3 gaming mouse features all the competitive essentials that gamers who crave for above-average performance want high-endurance HUANO switches rated for 10-million clicks. Designed for claw-grip, the RACING AM3 is also ambidextrous and improves comfort and high-speed movements even on long gaming sessions. Ultra-durable, non-tangle cabling is used with anti-pull clip to improve feel and static prevention. An almost-mirror, high-gloss UV surface brings excellent style and is easy to clean, with reduced dust and dirt build up properties. Large teflon feet increases glide and make the AM3 move smoothly across any mousing surface, soft or hard.
A special RACING AM3 software allows users to fully customize their BIOSTAR RACING AM3 gaming mouse to suit their needs. Define macros, programmable buttons, setup pre-defined DPI settings, and change polling rate all in one intuitive software.
Kilde: PR fra Biostar