Test: Product of the year 2006 (UK udgave)

Rod d.  01. februar. 2007, skrevet af The Boss 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 4833 gange.

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Produkt udlånt af: Sd-Data A/S
DK distributør: Sd-Data A/S

Product of the year 2006.

2006 has by many accounts been an extraordinarily exciting year. Throughout 2006 we have received a lot of exciting and innovative products, which of many has deserved special attention and thus has received our 'Product of the year 2006' award.

We will briefly summarize which reviewed products of 2006 that has received our Platinum, Gold or Silver awards. All of them products that rise above the ordinary.

"Platinum Award"

'Platinum Award' is the highest achievable recognition at Hardware-TEST. It is only seldom granted, and only to products that performs flawlessly in all review-categories. 'Platinum Award' is given to products that excel in all aspects, even on price. A reviewed product that receives such a reward, is viewed upon by us, as being supreme in its class.

Only the 3 following products have received this reward in 2006:

Asus M2N32-SLI Deluxe Wireless Edition bundkort - http://www.hwt.dk/test_show.asp?id=5986

Asus Crosshair bundkort - http://www.hwt.dk/test_show.asp?id=6143

Cell Shock 2 x 1 GB PC6400 RAM - http://www.hwt.dk/test_show.asp?id=6314

They all receive our Products of the year 2006 award.