
Jeg kan kun sige en ting om Classified. Boardet lever op til sit navn! Det har været lækkert at overclocke på dette board. Super lækker software og rigtig mange features i biosen. Motherboardet er udstyret med målpunkter.
Jeg synes det har været en dyr fornøjelse, men er helt klart pengene værd. Når man vil have den bedste, skal man ofre lidt ekstra. Og man må sige, at jeg har opnået de bedste resultater på dette board i forhold til alle de andre X58 boards, jeg har leget med. Godt gået Evga!
UK Summary

I only have 1 thing to say about Classified. The board lives up to its name! It has been a pleasure overclocking on this board. Super nice software and alot of features in the bios. The motherboard is equipped with measuring points.
I think it has been an expensive experience, but it is definately worth every penny. When one wants the best, one has to pay a little extra. And I have to say, that I have achieved the best results on this board, in comparison to all other X58 boards, that I have played around with. Nice work Evga!