
Set fra en overclockers synpunkt er det fantastisk at AMD er begyndt at støtte overclockere verden med specialtudvalgte CPUer, og TWKR'en formår virkelig at klemme de sidste kræfter ud af Phenom II´s C2 stepping. Men lad os nu opsummere hvordan min opfattelse af produktet har været i form af nogle points.
Innovation/Teknologi - 5
Special håndplukkede CPUer der presser den nuværrende stepping og arkitektur af Phenom II til det yderste! Det bliver bare ikke bedre end det!
Design/Layout - 5
Bare boksen som der blev leaket billeder af før udgivelserne fik spekulationerne på verdenens IT forummer til at gå amok. Den udstråler præcis den eksklusivitet der findes i CPUen inden i.
Ydelse - 5
Her kan der ikke være nogen tvivl. CPUen er toppen af proppen og den viser til fulde den ydelse C2 steppingen kan tilbyde og det er utænkeligt at andre Phenom II CPUer kan matche den ydelse, så længe de bruger samme stepping. Et stort 5 som Etta Cameron vil have sagt
Test: AMD Phenom II 42 TWKR
Innovation / Teknologi | 5 |
Design - Layout | 5 |
Ydelse | 5 |
| |
Samlet | 100% |
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hereUK summary
From an overclockers point of view it is great that AMD has started to aid overclockers around the world with special handpicked CPUs, and the TWKR'er really squeeze out the last power Phenom II C2 stepping has to offer. But let us now summarize how I feel about the product in the form of some points.
Innovation & Technology - 5
Special handpicked CPUs which pushes the current stepping and architecture of the Phenom II to the extreme! It just doesn’t get better than that!
Design / Layout - 5
The box alone, which pictures were leaked prior to the release, caused the speculation on the CPUs specification to go berserk on the world's IT Forum. The box radiates exactly the exclusivity you find in the CPU inside it.
Performance - 5
There can be no doubt here. This CPU is the best of the best and it reveals the full capability the C2 stepping has to offer and it is inconceivable that other Phenom II CPUs can match the performance, as long as they use the same stepping. A large 5 here, as Etta Cameron would have said.