Så fik vi nået til enden af testen. Jeg blev lidt overrasket over at bundkortet kunne hive hele 5Ghz ud af min 3960x CPU, dog var den ikke helt stabil. Men 4.9Ghz er også det højeste jeg har haft den nye chip oppe og køre. Så imponerende er det - især af sådan et lille mATX bundkort. Funktionerne bundkortet her har er faktisk identisk med det større Formula kort, hvilket også må siges at være godt klaret.
Innovation/Teknologi - 5
Bundkortet er meget lille, men der er alligevel kommet rigtig mange funktioner på det, og når det kommer til overclocking kan det faktisk det samme som det større formula kort.
Design/Layout - 4
Jeg synes godt at soklen kunne have været flyttet lidt længere op. Med den store Noctua køler kom grafikkortet til at sidde lige op ad CPU køleren, hvilket kunne have været undgået ved at flytte soklen en smule op.
Software/BIOS - 5
BIOS er rigtig lækker og den giver utrolig mange indstillinger at rode med. Udseendet er rigtig lækkert, og den hakker ikke, hverken med musen eller når der skiftes menu. Jeg giver 5 for en BIOS der faktisk ikke kan være bedre.
Ydelse - 5
Kortet er meget lille, og formår stadig at yde rigtig meget, og overclocker helt fantastisk godt.
Pris - 3
Jeg synes ikke at kortet her er helt så god til prisen som det større Formula kort. Det tilbyder nemlig mulighed for flere grafikkort og har nogle få funktioner mere, og koster kun 400kr. mere. Men skal man bruge et mATX bundkort så er dette helt klart en af de bedste der ude.
UK summary
We made it to the end fo this test. I am a bit surprised about being able to pull impressive 5Ghz on my 3960x CPU, although it were not complete stable. But 4.9 Ghz is also the highest so far on my new chip. So it´s impressive, and in particular when it´s a M-atx board. The functions on this board is in fact identical with the bigger Formula board, which is not that bad at all.
Innovation/Technology - 5
The board is very small, but still packed with features. And when it comes to overclocking, the board matches the bigger Formula board.
Bundle /Accesories - 5
As on every other ROG board from Asus, the embedded bundle is packed with goodies, and especially the big doorhanger I came to love. There is also alot of enbedded cables, so there is not anything you will miss.
Design/Layout - 4
I think that the socket should have been move a bit further up on the board. With the big Nocthua heatsink mounted, the videocard got close to the cooler. That could have been avoided by moving the socket up a bit.
Software/BIOS - 5
The BIOS is very nice, and offers a incredible number of settings. The look is also very nice, and there is no lag at all neither with the mouse or the keyboard when you chance menu. I grade 5 for a BIOS you can´t really improve.
Performance - 5
The board is very small and yet it still i capable of performing and overclock incredible well.
Price - 3
I don´t think that this board is to good on the price compared to the bigger Formula board. The bigger Formula board offers better opportunities for more videocards and has some few ekstra settings, and still it´s only 400DKK that seperates the two. But if you are looking for a M-atx board, this is a good as it gets.
Test: Asus Rampage IV Gene X-79
Innovation / Teknologi | 5 |
Bundle - Tilbehør | 5 |
Design - Layout | 4 |
Software - BIOS | 5 |
Ydelse | 5 |
Pris | 3 |
| |
Samlet | 90% |
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