Sensei RAW er og bliver en god mus. Den har alle de kvaliteter der skal til, for at ligge helt fremme på markedet og jeg kan kun anbefale den. Jeg har på skrivende tidspunkt ikke de store kritiske punkter, men derimod en pokkers masse plusser. Og det er blandt andet ledningen. Den er for stiv og uhåndterlig i den nye uslidte form. Dette ændre sig helt sikkert med tiden så det påvirker ikke mine karakterer, udover det er fødderne nedenunder simpelt hen ikke sat ordentligt fast, efter at have transporteret musen i en taske er den ene faldet halvt af og det er en anelse irriterende med det ellers gode håndværk. Der kunne evt. have fulgt en ledningsholder med hvis der skulle være noget kræs med til brugeren.
Bundle/Tilbehør - 3
Der medfølger hvad der skal bruges og et lille klistermærke. Kunne godt have brugt en cd med firmware program og engine.
Design/Layout - 4
Musen ligger ganske enkelt perfekt i hånden. Måske lidt for glat og derfor ikke et femtal.
Software - 5
Softwaren virker ganske enkelt fortrinligt. Ingen fejl fundet og installationen er nem og overskuelig.
Ydelse - 5
Ganske enkelt perfekt ydelse i alt hvad jeg har brugt den til stort femtal med pil opad!
Pris - 4
Prisen er holdt nede på 400 kroner og det er på ingen måde for dyrt. Kan klart anbefales.
UK summary
The Sensei RAW mouse is a state of the art mouse no doubt, it has all the qualities for being in front of the market and i can higly recommend it. I have on the time being not being able to find the big bad spots of negative things with the mouse, instead loads of plusses. This mouse works quite simpel 100 percent i reaction, touch moving it around the mat, and of course the price of 400 danish crowns. Ive been testing a lot of mice troughout time, but again Steelseries are able to put a mouse on market that moves my expectations up for the next mouses i will test. Well part of the game testing is to mention the bad things with the mouse, i only found a few but here they come.
The wire are stiff and candt be bend to fit the table, a mouse wire trapper would do in the inventory list. The feets of the mouse goes of to easy, one almost fell of after transporting the mouse in a bag, not good enough compared to the otherwise great quality of the mouse. Sensei RAW is professional to look at, and are at the moment my favorite mouse on both laptop and desktop computer.
Bundle/Accessories - 3
It goes with what u need and nothing else beside a sticker. Could have used a CD with firmware and engine to mouse.
Design/Layout - 4
The mouse lyes perfectly in my hand but is maybe a bit slippery therefor its a nogo for a five.
Software - 5
Absolutely no complains about the software, no errors found and install are easy and painless.
Performance - 5
Troughtout all tests perfect. No respondtime and therefor a big five with and arrow up to six
Price - 4
The price is down to 400 and that is not expensive, highly recommends from here.
Test: Steel Series Sensei Gaming Mouse
Bundle - Tilbehør | 3 |
Design - Layout | 4 |
Software - BIOS | 5 |
Ydelse | 5 |
Pris | 4 |
| |
Samlet | 84% |
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