
ASUS skuffer ikke med deres VivoBook S551, der leverer flot design, fin multimedieydelse og de nyeste teknologier i form af Haswell og en touch-skærm. ASUS kunne dog godt have gjort lidt mere ud af skærmen, og prisen ligger også i den lidt højere ende.
Innovation/Teknologi - 4
Teknologisk ligger S551 rigtig godt i kraft af at være baseret på Intels nyeste teknologier, og endda også har en touch-skærm, som endnu ikke er blevet standarden. Dog kniber det lidt med for alvor at kunne fremvise noget nyt.
Bundle/Tilbehør - 3
Der er desværre ikke andet med end det helt basale, og så lige en pudseklud. Det kan kun trække os lidt over middel.
Design/Layout - 4
Maskinen her er både velbygget rent kvalitetsmæssigt, og så ser den også rigtig godt ud.
Software - 4
Der er lidt for mange programmer med, som ikke giver den store værdi, og så mangler der lidt et af de små programmer, som skaffer start-knappen tilbage i Windows 8. Til gengæld er der også enkelte af programmerne, som selv jeg kan bruge til noget, så vi lander på et firetal.
Ydelse - 4
Ydelse og specifikationer er bestemt i den gode ende af skalaen, ligesom batterilevetiden er overraskende høj i forhold til, at det trods alt er en relativt stor maskine. Vi giver et firetal, da der skal noget ordentlig grafik-ydelse, og lidt mere rå power til for at ramme et femtal.
Pris - 3
Prisen er lidt under 8000 kr., hvilket i mine øjne er en rimelig fair pris, dog uden at være et super tilbud.
UK summary

ASUS does not let ud down with the VivoBook S551, which delivers a stylish design and great multimedia performance based on the new Haswell microarchitecture and including a touch display. On the downside the display is not top of the line, and it is more expensive than some of its competitors.
Innovation/Technology - 4
The S551 is innovative in the sense, that they have adopted brand new technologies from Intel as well as fitted it with a touch display, and that has not become a standard feature yet. Even though they have not actually introduced anything brand new, a grade of four is in order.
Bundle/Accessories - 3
Nothing more than the basics, apart from a cloth for polishing the screen. That is just enough to get us past the average.
Design/Layout - 4
This laptop is well-built with regards to quality, and it looks great as well.
Software - 4
The S551 comes with a bit too many pieces of software, that doesn’t add any real value to the product, and ASUS have not bothered to include something that would add a start-menu in Windows 8. They have on the other hand also included software, which even a geek like me would consider useful. It all adds up to a grade of four.
Performance - 4
The performance and specifications are quite good, and relative to the size of this laptop the battery life is outstanding. A four is awarded, as it would need decent graphics and a bit more power to reach a five.
Price - 3
The cost of this laptop is a bit less than 8000 DKK, which I consider to be quite fair, but a bargain it is not.
Test: ASUS VivoBook S551lb
Innovation / Teknologi | 4 |
Bundle - Tilbehør | 3 |
Design - Layout | 4 |
Software - BIOS | 4 |
Ydelse | 4 |
Pris | 3 |
| |
Samlet | 73% |
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