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Test: Inno3D GeForce 7800 GT
Innovation / Teknologi | 3 |
Bundle - Tilbehør | 3 |
Design - Layout | 4 |
Software - BIOS | 3 |
Ydelse | 4 |
Pris | 4 |
| |
Samlet | 70% |
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Inno3d har magtet at smide et rigtig lækkert kort på gaden her. Selvfølgelig ligger en stor del af æren hos nVidia, da det er lykkedes at få en rigtig god konkurrent til GTX kortet, selvom dette er ment som en billigere udgave af dette. Gider man bruge tiden på at overclocke kortet og tager chancen selvfølgelig, kan der være rigtig meget ekstra ydelse at hente her.
Inno3D GT kortet yder rigtig godt, og sætter ATi på plads, som nu virkelig trænger til at få deres nye kort på gaden.
Teknologien er jo ikke den nyeste, da den er den samme som GTX kortet benytter, men det bliver den bestemt ikke dårligere af - det er trods alt den teknologi som er den førende i skrivende stund.
Designet på kortet er godt og simpelt. Køleren fylder kun det slot som kortet skal bruge, og alting bliver kølet mere end tilfredsstillende ned. At RAM sidder på samme side af kortet (stadigvæk) hos nVidia, er da også et plus, især hvis man ønsker at montere større køling senere hen. Den grønne PCB ville jeg gerne kunne ønske væk, men sådan er det jo nu engang.
Der er ikke det store tilbehør med til dette kort. To DVD programmer og et spil samt 3DMark 05 var hvad det kunne blive til, men nu er Inno3d kortene også mere kendte for at godt ydende kort til en attraktiv pris. Colin McRae spillet gør dog at bundlen ikke er helt værdiløs.
Prisen derimod er helt fin. Kortet koster i dag 3.000,- hvilket er mange penge for et grafikkort, men det hører til gengæld til de billigste i denne klasse. Og i forhold til et X850XT som yder noget ringere, må man sige at prisen er meget fornuftig.
UK Summary
Inno3d really did a good job with this card. Naturally the nVidia 7800GT chip is the one that makes the different, but it's great to see a card with lower price that can actually compete with the 7800GTX cards even though this is with overclocking. If you dare to take the risk with overclocking, and the GPU allows it, you have a good chance of getting a really high performance card from the 7800GT.
Even with standard speeds this card managed to put the X850XT card from ATi behind, and until ATi is getting all their X1000 series cards on the streets, nVidia is sitting nice an corm on the throne of GFX.
The technology used in the 7800GT is the same as 7800GTX, and that's why the card doesn't score high in innovation. The technology is far from poor, since its still the fastest in the market today.
Design of the card is nice and simple. The cooler uses only the same slot as the card, and it still manage to keep the card cool, more than enough. The cooler is working at a low noise level, and still is with maximum overclocking. It's minor issues that keep the card from getting a five, but these issues are apparent - fx the lack of the PWM regulated fan and a physically very large. The score in the category is for that reason 4.
The bundle that comes with the Inno3d card is not that big. We have 3DMark, DVD player/creator and Colin McRae Rally 4. It's a small but still useful bundle, and it helps with keeping the price in at the bottom line for similar cards.
The 7800GT cards doesn't come cheep. It's lower price than the very expensive 7800GT, but still the price is way to high for mid-end users. The price is very similar to ATi's X850XT, and with that in mind you get more performance with the 7800GT.
If you compare the 7800GT in the market today, you will see that the Inno3d card is among the cheapest ones.