Test: Fractal Design Core 3300

Kabinetter d.  16. september. 2014, skrevet af Monberg75 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 9603 gange.

Korrekturlæser: jmose
Billed behandling: Monberg75
Oversættelse: Monberg75

Pristjek på http://www.pricerunner.dk 529,00
Produkt udlånt af: Fractal Design
DK distributør: Computersalg


Kabinettet er meget fint at arbejde med. Der er god plads til det meste hardware, om man vælger high-end setup med vandkøling, eller bare et standard setup med luftkøling. Der skal der nok være plads til det. Både kabler og hardware monteres nemt.

Innovation/Teknologi - 4
Fractal Design har lavet et godt kabinet, ingen skruer skal skrues i fra skæve vinkler. Montagepladen til HDD og SSD giver god plads bagved, hvis man vil have mulighed for at lave et vandsetup. Og det øger airflowet i kabinettet.

Bundle/Tilbehør - 3
Der følger det med til kabinettet som man skal bruge af skruer og strips, samt en god brugervejledning med fine illustrationer.

Design/Layout - 3
Kabinettet er lavet af gode solide materialer, det har et pænt diskret design. Alle skruehuller er let tilgængelige, så hardwaren monteres meget nemt, uden risiko for ødelagt gevind, og der er gode muligheder for vandkøling. Eneste dårlige ting er de lange filter i bunden, hvor man skal rykke hele computeren ud og ydermere vippe det for at kunne tage filteret ud, på grund af de lave ben.

Pris - 4
Med en pris på DKK 529 kan man absolut ikke klage. Man får et godt og solidt kabinet med masser af muligheder, samt et par rigtig gode lydsvage blæsere. Rigtig meget for pengene. Du finder Fractal Design Core 3300 her


UK summary:

The casign is great to work with, there is plenty of room for the hardware on a high-end setup with water cooling, or just a standard setup with air cooling, whatever you choose, there is enough room for it. Both cables and hardware is easily installed.


Innovation/Technology - 4
Fractal Design has made good case, no screws are screwed in from odd angles. The mounting plate for HDD and SSD provides plenty of space behind so you will be able to make a water setup, and increases airflow in the casing.

Bundle/Accessories - 3
The casing comes with what you need of screws and cable ties, as well as a good user manual with good illustrations.

Design/Layout - 3
The casing is made with good solid materials, it has a neat and discreet design. All screw holes are easily accessible, so the hardware is installed very easily, without the risk of damage to the thread, and there are good opportunities for water cooling. Only bad thing is the long filter at the bottom, where you must move the entire computer and furthermore tilt it to take out the filter, because of the low stands.

Price - 4
With a price of DKK 529, you can definitely not complain. You get a good solid casing with plenty of options, as well as a couple of really good silent fans. Very good value for the money.


Test: Fractal Design Core 3300
Innovation / Teknologi4
Bundle - Tilbehør3
Design - Layout3

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