
Det var unægtelig noget anderledes at bygge et system i dette meget åbne kabinet, men så meget desto nemmere man kan komme til fra mange steder. Der er mange små lækre detaljer i kabinettet og alt i alt virker det gennemtænkt fra top til tå. Der var naturligvis ingen køleproblemer med den isatte hardware for frisk luft er der masser af fra alle sider. Det var helt fint at have kørende på skrivebordet et par dage med den isatte hardware og tilgængeligheden til alle stikkene på bundkortets bagside er også ret suveræn da de er i toppen af kabinettet. Det betyder så at alle ledningerne kommer til hænge ud over f.eks. bagsiden af kabinettet.
Innovation/Teknologi - 4
På innovations siden må man give In Win en god del kredit, for kabinettet er unægtelig noget ud over det sædvanlige i form og funktionalitet. Teknologien brugt til fremstillingen er bestemt heller ikke noget vi ser hver dag og her tænker jeg især på den håndsvejsede rør opbygning. Det røgfarvede hærdede glas giver også et plus i denne kategori.
Bundle/tilbehør - 4
Her er hvad man kan forvente til kabinettet af diverse skruer til hardware montagen. Det er dog rart at se skruerne være sorteret og mærket individuelt. Ud over det nævnte er det lækkert at se der medfølger en stor transportpose og en pudseklud i tilbehøret.
Design/Layout - 5
Det må ubetinget blive et 5 tal i denne kategori for bedre synes jeg faktisk ikke at man kan lave designet, det er selvfølgelig efter min personlige smag og vurdering. Layoutet er også noget anderledes end vi ser det normalt, men løsningerne er superfine og gennemtænkte.
Pris - 4
Prisen er i den høje ende for et kabinet til M-ATX eller M-ITX, men når man ser på teknologien der er brugt til opbygningen, materiale valget og glassiderne, samt at man for pengene får et gennemtænkt og velfungerende håndsvejset kabinet med plads til en 240 mm radiator i bunden, så er det prisen man må give for dette lækre kabinet.
UK summary

This was with no doubt a different experience building a system in this very open case, but as such it was also a lot easier as you had access from a lot of angles. There is a lot of nice, fine details with this case and all in all it seems very thought through from top to bottom. There was of course no cooling problems with the installed hardware as fresh air was available from all sides. It was quite good having this case running on the desk for a couple of days with the installed hardware, and the accessibility of the connectors on the motherboard is also pretty great as they were on the top of the case. This means that all cables will be hanging down from the case, for example down the backside.
Innovation/Technology - 4
Innovation-wise I must say that In Win gets a great deal of credit for this case as it is undeniably something out of the ordinary, both in form and function. The technology used in making the case is not something we see every day either, I am especially talking about the hand welded pipe construction. The smoked hardened glass also gives a plus in this category.
Bundle/Accessories - 4
Here is what you would expect to get of associated screws for the case to install your hardware. It is nice to see the screws being sorted and labeled individually though. Appart from the above mentioned it is nice to see that a big transport bag and polishing cloth have been included as well.
Design/Layout - 5
This is without a doubt a score of 5 in this category. I do not think that it would be possible to create a better design, however that is of course my personal taste and opinion. The layout is different than what we normally see, but the solutions are super nice and though through.
Price - 4
The price is in the high end for a M-ATX or M-ITX case, but when looking at the technology used for the construction, choice of material and the glass sides, while also getting a thought through and well made hand welded case with space for a 240 mm radiator in the bottom this is the price to pay.
Test: In Win D-Frame mini
Innovation / Teknologi | 4 |
Bundle - Tilbehør | 4 |
Design - Layout | 5 |
Pris | 4 |
| |
Samlet | 85% |
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