Test: Asrock Z170 OC Formula

Bundkort, Intel d.  24. december. 2015, skrevet af freak_master 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 11080 gange.

Korrekturlæser: Verdenshersker
Billed behandling: svedel77
Oversættelse: Verdenshersker

Pristjek på http://www.pricerunner.dk 2467,00
Produkt udlånt af: Asrock
DK distributør: DCS


Bundkortet har været en smule interessant, da det ikke er disse bundkort, vi plejer at få fra ASRock. Kortet leverer alle funktioner, en overclocker skal bruge, og ASRock har virkelig udnyttet Z170 chipsettet til sit fulde.

Innovation/Teknologi - 4
Med chipsettets hurtige QPI link findes der nu en pålidelig måde at få en ekstra PCIe x16 port til grafikkort igennem chipsettet, så ASRock har formået at gøre plads til 4 grafikkort på Intel's mid-level platform. Derudover ser vi de obligatoriske overclocking funktioner som V check points, knapper til at starte, slukke og genstarte systemet, samt ændre multiplier med knapper på bundkortet.

Bundle/Tilbehør - 3
Der er, hvad der skal være i kassen, men til prisen havde jeg nok forventet en smule ekstra såsom en flot plakat til væggen.

Design/Layout - 4
Selve designet kan jeg godt lide. Jeg elsker at se bundkort, der er pakket flot ind, og det er dette bestemt blevet. Layoutet synes jeg også ASRock har klaret ganske fint.

Software/BIOS - 5
En fantastisk nem BIOS, der gør, at selv nybegyndere kan få sat XMP profilen til på deres system, og softwaren er som altid meget nyttig og ikke mindst meget nem at bruge.

Ydelse - 3
Her synes jeg ikke, at jeg kan give mere end 3. Bundkortet lægger sig nemlig ligeså meget foran det sammenlignede, som det lægger bagud, både ved standard hastighed men også ved overclocking. Det kunne desuden overclocke vores CPU til samme hastighed som det sammenlignede bundkort.

Pris - 4
Kigger vi på det sammenlignede bundkort, synes jeg, at prisen bestemt er fornuftig. ASRock har gjort det billigt ved at udnytte Z170 chipsettet fuldt ud, så her synes jeg, man får noget for pengene.


UK summary

This motherboard is really interesting, since it isn't the type of motherboards, we usually get from ASRock. The motherboard comes with all the features an overclocker loves and ASRock has really utilised all the features of the Z170 chipset.

Innovation/Technology - 4
With the fast QPI Link on the chipset, we now have a reliable way to get an extra PCIe x16 slot, so ASRock can offer the 4th video card on this mid-level Intel platform. Besides that we see all the standard overclocking features like V check points, boot, restart as well as a button to change the multiplier on the CPU.

Bundle/Accessories - 3
There is what you need, but I would have hoped for a poster or something like that, when looking on the price tag.

Design/Layout - 4
I love the design of this motherboard. I just love to see the packaging design of a nice motherboard and ASRock has for sure done that this time. The layout is pretty good as well.

Software/BIOS - 5
An unbelievable easy BIOS, which makes it even possible for novice people to set the XMP profile for their memory and the software is also really easy to use.

Performance - 3
I can only give a figure 3 here. The motherboard is basically equal to the Gigabyte motherboard, we were tested it against. Sometimes it would be ahead and other times, it would be behind. It all equaled out and both with standard settings as well as with the overclock. It overclocked to the same level as the compared Gigabyte motherboard.

Price - 4
If we take a look at the compared motherboard, I do believe that the price is reasonable. ASRock has made it cheap by using all the features of the Z170 chipset, so I will say, you get a lot for your money.



Test: Asrock Z170 OC Formula
Innovation / Teknologi4
Bundle - Tilbehør3
Design - Layout4
Software - BIOS5

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