Det har været en lidt anderledes opgave at montere hardware i dette kabinet, som trods sin ret lille fysiske størrelse er i stand til at huse selv et ret kraftigt gaming system. Overordnet har det efterladt et meget godt indtryk. Det er et stort plus at der til dette kabinet medfølger en 450 Watt PSU og det er med til at forsvare den pænt høje pris på dette lille M-ITX kabinet. Det var dog også lidt ærgerligt at se temperaturen på CPU'en ryge så relativt højt op ved afvikling af en benchmark.
Innovation/Teknologi - 3
På teknologi siden er der ikke meget nyt, stål og plastik, men ok lidt kredit skal fractal design da have for innovation - da der i kabinettet er nye tiltag for måden at installere grafikkort og 2,5" enheder i kabinettet på.
Bundle/tilbehør - 5
Der medfølger akkurat hvad der skal bruges for at bruge kabinettet både vertikalt og horisontalt, samt montere hardware og mere forlanger jeg ikke af et kabinet. Den medfølgende PSU hæver bundle scoren, da den er et væsentligt tilbehør og som er en integreret del af kabinettet.
Design/Layout - 4
Designet er da ganske stilfuldt og elegant, men jeg synes personligt at der er for meget plastik look and feel over kabinettet.
Pris - 3
Ja det kan godt være at dette er et lækkert lille kabinet overordnet, men til den pris kabinettet har, kan det ikke være meningen man selv skal file maling væk og har problemer med at få SSD holderen til at sidde perfekt med 2 drev. Det er ikke godt nok i min verden. Ellers er det en ok pris for dette kabinet, der har medfølgende PSU med lednings længder som passer til kabinettet.
UK summary
It has been a bit of a different task to install the hardware in this case, which despite its small physical size is capable of housing even a quite powerful gaming system. The case have left a pretty good imprint in general. It is a big plus that the case includes a 450 Watt PSU which also defends the quite high price on a small M-ITX case such as this. It was a little sad to see that the temperature on the CPU rises relatively high when performing the benchmark tests.

Innovation/Technology - 3
On the technology side of things not much new have happened, steel and plastic, but a little credit is due for fractal design for the innovative ways of installing the graphics card and 2.5" units in the case.
Bundle/Accessories - 5
Inluded in the bundle is exactly what is needed to use the case both vertically and horizontally as well as installing the hardware and I don't ask for more from a computer case. The included PSU is also raising the bundle score as it is a crucial part of a computer system which is integrated as part of the case.
Design/Layout - 4
The design is quite stylish and elegant, but I must say that I personally think that the case has too much of a plastic look and feel about it.
Price - 3
Yes, this might be a pretty nice case all in all, but at this price I can't possibly think that it is fair that I have to file away paint and have problems installing the SSD holder perfectly with 2 drives. That is not good enough in my book. Apart from that it is an ok price for this case that includes a PSU with cable lengths that fits the case.
Test: fractal Design Node 202 + Integra SFX 450W PSU
Innovation / Teknologi | 3 |
Bundle - Tilbehør | 5 |
Design - Layout | 4 |
Pris | 3 |
| |
Samlet | 75% |
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