Lyd d. 25. august. 2016, skrevet af Pizzadude 0 Kommentarer. Vist: 13271 gange.
Endnu en gang formår Ozone at levere et produkt til en virkelig lav pris, der alligevel imponerer på mange punkter. TriFX headsettet er godt til gameren på farten, der samtidig vil have et produkt der kan bruges i hverdagen til både musik og samtaler. Til sport skal man nok se sig om efter et alternativ, men leverer ellers godt til de fleste andre formål.
Once again Ozone manages to give us a product with a very low price point, which nonetheless has very few weak spots. The TriFX headset is great for the gamer on the go, while at the same time being a product useful in daily life for music as well as calls. For sports you should consider alternatives, but for most other purposes this headset should do the trick.
Innovation/Technology - 4
A headset for the gamer on the go, flat cable and interchangeable EQ enhancers brings us almost to the top of the scale.
Bundle/Accessories - 5
The bundle is truly impressive considering the fact that the product itself is just an in-ear headset. Especially the sound/microphone splitter and the extra EQ enhancers are on the plus side, as this is not something you would normally see.
Design/Layout - 4
The TriFX is good looking and sturdy headset which definitely sets itself apart from the usual white or black plugs. In spite of its size it actually has a quite comfortable fit, though it is a bit to big and heavy if you move around a lot.
Performance - 4
It can't compete with high end in-ear headsets og full size gaming headsets, but the TriFX does deliver a great sound overall.
Price - 5
It can be found for as low as just over 200 DKK, which in my eyes makes it a great buy.
Innovation / Teknologi | 4 |
Bundle - Tilbehør | 5 |
Design - Layout | 4 |
Ydelse | 4 |
Pris | 5 |
Samlet | 88% |