
Produktet er minded til sporty typer, det kan dog uden problemer bruges af dig der kører tog osv. Det fungere super godt med systemet der ligesom skruer dem ind i øret og jeg oplevede endelig et headset jeg ikke fik ondt i øregangen af. Det var meget let, og kan måske af samme grund have tendens til at blive væk. Men alt i alt en god oplevelse.
Innovation - 4
Det er super fedt med et lille stykke ledning der holder dem samlet uden at give problemer, og det virker virkelig godt med bluetooth, også som headset når telefonen ringer.
Bundle - 5
Sjældent har jeg set så meget følge med kan ikke give mindre end fem her.
Design - 4
Designet fungere super godt, og kan bruges af alle.
Ydelse - 4
Outlier Sports spiller virkelig godt med lækker lyd.Jeg kunne dog godt bruge lidt mere bas, og derfor er skalaen ikke fyldt ud her.
Pris - 4
Med en pris på 549,- DKK. er vi lige på grænsen. Men Outlier sports er og bliver et fedt headset så prisen er godkendt.
UK summary
The product is made for the sporty types, but whitout hesistation it can be used by you that drives car, train etc. Et works really great with the screw system, and for once i experienced a headset that didnt give me pain in the ear. Its lightweight and by that may have a problem getting lost. But all in all a really nice experience testing it.
Innovation - 4
It is quite marvelous with the little wire connecting the plugs, and the bluetooth works really well, also as headset when the phone rings.
Bundle/Accessories - 5
Selvdom ive seen that much go with a product, i cant give less than five here.
Design/Layout - 4
The design works really well, and are useable by all.
Performance - 4
Outlier sports plays really well with a lovely voice, but i would have liked a bit more bass added.
Price - 4
With a price of 549 its only quite ok. But Outlier sports is a nice headset så the price is fully acceptet.
Test: Creative Outlier Sports In-ear headphone
Innovation / Teknologi | 4 |
Bundle - Tilbehør | 5 |
Design - Layout | 4 |
Ydelse | 4 |
Pris | 4 |
| |
Samlet | 84% |
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