Lyd d. 25. december. 2016, skrevet af Anonym202187141154 0 Kommentarer. Vist: 13742 gange.
Nu har jeg testet dette headset i en uge nu, og er faktisk ret tilfreds med det. Det overrasker mig faktisk lidt, at der er så god en lyd i et så let headset, og at det samtidig er behageligt at bruge dagen igennem er et ekstra plus. Creative har igen ramt plet med deres lydprodukter, og jeg har faktisk svært ved rigtig pege på noget som er galt med det sæt her, ej heller prisen som ligger i et fornuftigt leje.
Now I have tested this headset for a week now and am actually quite happy with it, it surprises me that there is a good sound and a light headset, which is very pleasing to use daily, but creative has again hit the mark with their audio products. Its hard for me to point anything out that is wrong with the set here, even the price of 675dkk seems fair. it,
Innovation/Technology - 2
Not very innovative, so 2 points
Bundle/Accessories - 3
Only the cables you need for the headset.
Design/Layout - 4
It has soft pillows and moving cups and sits therefore perfectly fine on the head. and its very light to use on head.
Software - 4
Good software that provides a free opportunity to adjust the sound to suit your needs. but you have to download it on creative's site
Performance - 4
Here they get 4, They have hit it with this headset.
Price - 3
The headset costs about 675 DKK, Which is an okay price all things considered, 3 points it is.
Innovation / Teknologi | 2 |
Bundle - Tilbehør | 3 |
Design - Layout | 4 |
Software - BIOS | 4 |
Ydelse | 4 |
Pris | 3 |
Samlet | 66% |