
Generelt får man et indtryk af kvalitet når man holder bundkortet i hånden. Kvalitet var også det ord der kom op i mine tanker da jeg åbnede kassen, satte komponenter til og startede BIOS.
Innovation/Teknologi - 4
Vi ser det nyeste chipset fra Intel pakket sammen med MSI's bedste spillefunktioner der gør at et system vil køre stabilt både ved standard hastighed, men også med et stort overclock.
Bundle/Tilbehør - 3
Tilbehøret er meget begrænset, og vi ser ikke ret meget mere end hvad der skal bruges til at samle et komplet system.
Design/Layout - 4
Designet i sig selv kan jeg godt se hvorfor MSI har valgt. Carbon er noget vi ser mere og mere fremme, men havde man valgt at bruge rigtig carbon ville det have set rigtig godt ud, men det at man ved det blot er klistermærker synes jeg ødelægger det en smule. Men uanset så synes jeg at kortet ser ganske fin ud, og layoutet synes jeg også rigtig godt om. Man har valgt at lave en vinklet intern USB 3.0 port, som jeg altid har synes godt om at have, men hvorfor man har valgt at have 2 SATA porte i bunden af bundkortet kan jeg ikke helt se ideen i, men det generer heller ikke.
Software/BIOS - 5
Softwaren giver et indtryk af at man faktisk sidder i BIOS, da der er samme design, og brugervenligheden er også den samme, nemlig helt i top.
Ydelse - 4
Det ser ud til at GIGABYTE og MSI ikke helt kan blive enige om hvem der skal være forrest, og et overclock ændrede ikke voldsomt meget på resultaterne, men MSI gør det stadig godt.
Pris - N/A
Prisen er endnu ikke kendt, artiklen bliver opdateret i løbet af weekenden.
UK summary
Generally, you get an impression of quality when holding the motherboard in your hand. Quality was amongst the words that came to my mind when I opened the box, fitted the components and started BIOS.
Innovation/Technology - 4
We see the latest chipset from Intel packaged with MSI's best gaming features that make the system run stable both at standard speed, but also with a large overclock.
Bundle/Accessories - 3
The accessories are very limited, and we do not see much more than what is required to assemble a complete system.
Design/Layout - 4
The design itself, I can see why MSI has chosen. Carbon is something we see more and more, but had they chosen to use real carbon, it would have looked so much better, but that by the mere stickers think I spoil it a bit. But whatever it seems to me that the card looks quite nice, and the layout, I also feel really good about. They have chosen to make an angled internal USB 3.0 port, as I always like to have. But why they have chosen to have 2 SATA ports at the bottom of the motherboard I can not quite see the idea, but it bothers either.
Software/BIOS - 5
The software gives the impression that you are actually sitting in the BIOS, as there are same design, and ease of use is also the same, which is perfect.
Performance - 4
It seems that GIGABYTE and MSI can not quite agree on who should be at the front, and the clock did not change dramatically much on results but MSI still do well.
Price - N/A
As the price has not been released yet, we will update the article when it is available in the near future.
Test: MSI Z270 Gaming Pro Carbon
Innovation / Teknologi | 4 |
Bundle - Tilbehør | 3 |
Design - Layout | 4 |
Software - BIOS | 5 |
Ydelse | 4 |
| |
Samlet | 80% |
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