Kabinetter d. 10. august. 2018, skrevet af Renissen2 0 Kommentarer. Vist: 10542 gange.
Herligt med et produkt som dette be quiet! Dark Base 700 RGB LED, hvor man efter at have afprøvet lidt af dets funktioner i praksis bare kan sige at dette var et rigtigt godt produkt. Jeg var meget imponeret over byggekvaliteten og så den udvendige lækre finish samt naturligvis Silent Wings 3 blæserne, som ved den laveste indstilling gjorde dette kabinet helt stille. På design siden får man vist heller ikke noget som er meget mere minimalt og stilfuldt. Det er selvfølgelig også endnu en fordel at be quiet! har fået implementeret USB 3.1 standarden og ikke mindst muligheden for at lade kabinettet køre synkront via bundkortets RGB LED styring. Så det er udelukkende rosende ord fra min side til dette lækre kabinet.
Innovation/Teknologi - 5
Her finder man måske ikke de helt store og innovative tiltag, men derimod rigtig god brug af tidens materialer og fremstillings teknikker som alle er taget i brug under fremstillingen af dette kabinet. Der er dog så mange gode funktioner ved dette kabinet at det må udløse et 5 tal i kategorien. Det er dog også helt fint at be quiet! har slået 2 fluer med et smæk ved at lave den vendbare og selvstændige testbænk lige til at tage ud. Så ingeniørerne hos be quiet! har nok haft brug for lidt af de små grå ved fremstillingen af dette kabinet alligevel.
Bundle/tilbehør - 5
Her medfølger et rigtigt fint tilbehør i form af en ekstra HDD holder og en gennemført og brugbar manual. Derudover er der præcis hvad man skal bruge for at få monteret diverse hardware i kabinettet.
Design/Layout - 5
"Hey" stor bølge! Jeg kan personligt næsten ikke få armene ned af begejstring over enkeltheden og det stilfulde design ved netop dette be quiet! Dark Base 700 kabinet. Layoutet er også rigtigt fint indenfor. Det er ret genialt at bundkorts plade samt bagsiden kan tages ud som en selvstændig testbænk.
Pris - 4
Prisen er helt fin for dette lækre kabinet der både har hærdet glasside og en hel del lækre funktioner indbygget i et kabinet med superlækker (glat) finish på både front og top af kabinettet. At der derudover også er blæserstyring, Silent 3 blæsere, og RGB LED lys indbygget er blot plusser oveni.
Innovation / Teknologi | 5 |
Bundle - Tilbehør | 5 |
Design - Layout | 5 |
Pris | 4 |
Samlet | 95% |
Delightful with a product like this be quiet! Dark Base 700 RGB LED, where after testing some of its functions in practice, just can say that this was a really good product. I was very impressed with the building quality and saw the exterior of the finish and of course the Silent Wings 3 blowers, which at the lowest setting made this cabinet quite quiet. On the design side you will not get anything much more minimal and stylish. Of course, there is also another advantage to be quiet! has implemented the USB 3.1 standard and, not least, the ability to let the cabinet run synchronously via the motherboard RGB LED control. So, it's only praise words from my side to this delicious cabinet.
Innovation/Technology - 5
Here, you may not find the very big and innovative measures, but rather the great use of the materials and manufacturing techniques of the time, all of which have been used during the manufacture of this cabinet. However, there are so many good features at this cabinet that it has to trigger a grade of 5 in the category. However, it is also fine that be quiet! has hit 2 flies with a bang by making the reversible and self-test bench just to pull out. So the engineers at be quiet! have probably needed some of the little gray in the manufacture of this cabinet anyway.
Bundle/Accessories - 5
Here comes a really nice accessory in the form of an extra HDD holder and a complete and useful manual. In addition, there is exactly what you need to install various hardware in the cabinet.
Design/Layout - 5
"Hey" big wave! Personally, I can hardly get my arms down with enthusiasm over the simplicity and the stylish design of this particular be quiet! Dark Base 700 cabinet. The layout is also really nice inside. It is quite brilliant to have a cardboard plate and the back can be taken as an independent test bench.
Price - 4
The price is absolutely fine for this delicious cabinet that has both hardened glass and a lot of delicious features built into a cabinet with super-slim (smooth) finish on the front and top of the cabinet. In addition, there are also fan control, Silent 3 fans, and RGB LED lights built-in are just the plus points above.