
Med dette 1660 Super Gaming OC tilbyder GIGABYTE, hvad der nok er det bedste 1660 Super kort til pengene. Du kan få billigere kort med små kølere og mere støj, eller dyerer kort med mindre støj, men WindForce køleren placerer sig lige i midten, og vil man have et stille system på budget kan dette let opnås ved at skrue lidt ned for den store WindForce køler.
Kortet har også lidt RGB lys, som dagens trend foreskriver, bagpladen er noget usædvanligt af plastik men jeg syntes denne løsning fungerer godt på dette kort.
Kortet placerer sig i et sweetspot hvor pris, performance og kvalitet mødes optimalt. Og skal du ud og købe et nyt system uden budget til RTX er dette et godt sted at starte.
Innovation/Teknologi - 4
GTX 1660 Super er baseret på NVIDIAs helt nye Touring arkitektur, dog uden RayTracing delen af chippen. Med Super kortet får man nu GDDR6 RAM, hvor det normale 1660 må nøjes med GDDR5. Jeg har trukket et point fra, grundet manglen på RayTracing men i realiteten giver NVIDIA's RTX funktionalitet ikke mening i dette prissegment.
Design/Layout - 5
Køleren gør det godt, specielt i dette prissegment. Den holder fint chippen ved 70 grader, og der er plads til overclocking skulle man ønske det. På støjfronten er GIGABYTE kortet godt, og vil passe ind i de fleste systemer bygget på budget. Arbejder du på et helt stille system, er der mulighed for at skrue lidt ned for køleren, da den er indstillet ret aggressivt.
Ydelse - 4
I testen kunne vi se, at kortet følger lige i hælene på det større 1660Ti, og til tider matcher GTX 1070, mens det altid er hurtigere end sidste generations GTX 1060. Dette WindForce kort overclocker rigtig godt, og det kan anbefales at skrue et medium overclock ind med denne køler.
Kortet egner sig rigtig godt til budget gaming maskiner, eller som opgradering til et aldrende system.
Pris - 4
Med en pris på 2050,- kr er GIGABYTE kortet godt prissat, og det billigste 1660 Super kort, med en stor og overclock venlig køler. Ligeledes syntes jeg at prisen, gør dette kort er et bedre køb, end det dyrere og hurtigere GTX 1660Ti samt langsommere og billigere GTX 1660.
For 2000,- kr er GIGABYTE's 1660 Super Gaming det bedste køb... indtil Nvidia lancerer et 1660 Super Ultra kort og fuldender deres forvirrende produktlinje.
Test: GIGABYTE 1660 Super Gaming
Innovation / Teknologi | 4 |
Design - Layout | 5 |
Ydelse | 4 |
Pris | 4 |
| |
Samlet | 85% |
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hereUK summary
With this 1660 Super Gaming OC, GIGABYTE offers what is probably the best 1660 Super card for the money. You can get cheaper cards with small coolers and more noise, or expensive cards with less noise. But the WindForce cooler is located right in the middle and if you want a quiet system on a budget, this can easily be achieved by turning down the big WindForce cooler.
The card also has some RGB light, as the trend of today dictates, the back plate is somewhat unusual in plastic but I think this solution works well on this card.
The card places itself in a sweet spot where price, performance and quality meet optimally. And if you need to buy a new budget system, but without the budget for a fully fledged RTX card, this is a very good place to start.
Innovation/Technology - 4
The GTX 1660 Super is based on NVIDIA's all-new Touring architecture, though without the RayTracing part of the chip. With the Super card you now get GDDR6 RAM, where the normal 1660 has to settle for GDDR5. I've deducted one point due to the lack of RayTracing but in reality Nvidia's RTX functionality doesn't make sense in this price segment anyway.
Design/Layout - 5
The cooler does well, especially in this price segment. It holds the chip nicely at 70 degrees and there is room for overclocking should you wish to do so. On the noise front, the GIGABYTE card is good, and will fit most systems built on budget. If you work on a completely silent system, it is possible to turn down the cooler a bit as it is set quite aggressively from the manufactor.
Performance - 4
In the test we could see that the card follows right on the heels of the larger 1660Ti, sometimes matching the GTX 1070, while always faster than the last generation GTX 1060. This WindForce card overclockes really well and it is recommended to go with a medium overclock with this cooler.
The card is very suitable for budget gaming machines, or for upgrading to an aging system.
Price - 4
With a price of DKK 2050, the GIGABYTE card is well priced, and the cheapest 1660 Super card, with a large and overclock friendly cooler. Also, I thought that the price of making this card is a better buy than the more expensive and faster GTX 1660Ti as well as the slower and cheaper GTX 1660.
For 2000, - GIGABYTE's 1660 Super Gaming is the best buy ... until Nvidia launches a 1660 Super Ultra card and completes their confusing product line.