Kabinetter d. 30. juli. 2021, skrevet af Renissen2 0 Kommentarer. Vist: 4692 gange.
Dette Z9 Iceberg fra Zalman har været en fornøjelse at bygge et system i. Alt passer perfekt og der var ingen mærkeligheder i forhold til at få grafikkortet fint ned på plads. Det er et særdeles kompetent midrange kabinet og kabinettets finish er også helt perfekt. Så med få ord et kabinet jeg roligt kan anbefale til et Gamerbuild i højeste kvalitet, da de 2 blæsere sørger for et fint airflow i kabinettet. Glassiden giver kabinettet et flot udtryk som fint matcher de 6 flader som fronten har og som skal forestille et isbjerg.
Innovation/Teknologi - 3
I dette kabinet finder vi ikke det helt vilde i form af innovation, dog skal Zalman have lidt for måden glaspladen af og på monteres og at man ikke har overmalet fingerskruerne alle steder.
Bundle/Tilbehør - 4
Der er vedlagt alt hvad man skal bruge for at få monteret sin hardware i kabinettet og så lige lidt ekstra i form af holdere til en Riserledning.
Design - 5
Designet falder helt i min personlige smag, så skulle jeg bygge et system her og nu ville dette kabinet afgjort komme med i overvejelserne.
Pris - 4
Prisen på 711 Kr. finder jeg helt i orden, da kabinettet er lækkert fremstillet og har mange spændende detaljer samt en hærdet glasside.
Innovation / Teknologi | 3 |
Bundle - Tilbehør | 4 |
Design - Layout | 5 |
Pris | 4 |
Samlet | 80% |
This Z9 Iceberg from Zalman has been a pleasure to build a system in. Everything fits perfectly and there were no strangeties in terms of getting the graphics card fine down into place. It is a highly competent midrange cabinet and the cabinet finish is also absolutely perfect. So in a few words a cabinet I can safely recommend for a Gamerbuild of the highest quality, since the 2 fans provide a fine airflow in the enclosure. The glass side gives the cabinet a nice look that nicely matches the 6 surfaces that the front has and which should depict an iceberg.
Innovation/Technology - 3
In this cabinet we do not find the wild in terms of innovation, however, Zalman must have suffered for the way the glass plate is mounted and that you have not painted the finger screws everywhere.
Bundle/Accessories - 4
Everything you need is attached to have your hardware installed in the cabinet and just a little extra in the form of mounts for a Riser wire.
Design - 5
The design is entirely in my personal taste, so should I build a system here and now this cabinet would definitely come into consideration.
Price - 4
I find the price of 711DKK perfectly fine, as the cabinet is deliciously made and has many exciting details as well as a tempered glass side.