Test: Plantronics Voyager 520

Lyd d.  23. januar. 2008, skrevet af Claus35 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 7628 gange.

Billed behandling: 

Pristjek på http://www.pricerunner.dk 
Produkt udlånt af: Plantronics
DK distributør: Hasee.dk



Positivt: Designet, komforten, Brugervenligheden, kan håndtere to telefoner, In-ear hætte på højttaleren og kan spille højt

Negativt: Lydenkvaliteten, knas når mobilen ikke er tæt nok på.

Alt i alt en flot lille fætter som passer sit job. Et fint lille produkt fra Plantronics.



Innovation/Teknologi - 4
Bluetooth. Det eneste nye her, er at den kan håndtere to telefoner og det er jo smart.

Bundle/Tilbehør - 3
Hvad forventer man at få med? En lader og her fik man så også en holder med, men ikke meget ekstra guf.

Design/Layout - 4
Den er jo rigtig flot, og meget funktionel. Det lille rør der går ind i øregangen, er en rigtig god idé.

Ydelse - 2
Lydkvaliteten er ikke tilfredsstillende, men den kan spille højt og det er jo nyttigt i larmende omgivelser.

Pris - 2
440 kr. siger edbpriser. Ikke forrygende billigt.


UK Summary

The good:
The design, comfort, easy usage, two phone compatibility, in-ear hood on the speaker and a high volume capacity.
The bad:
The audio quality, noise when the mobile phone is too far away.
A nice looking little unit that is fairly good at what it does. A nice product lineup addition by Plantronics.
Innovation / Technology – 4 points
Bluetooth! The only new addition her is the ability to handle two telephones at once, which is pretty nice.
Bundle / Accessories – 3 points
What can one expect to be included with the purchase? A charger and a docking station, but not much else is enclosed.
Design / Layout – 4 points
The visual design is really nice, and the unit is functional as well. The small pipe leading into the ear cavity is nice idea.
Performance – 2 points
The audio quality is quite where it should be. The capacity for high volume is available, which can be nice in high noise surroundings.
Price – 2 points
440 DKK! That is the price according to the edbpriser price-portal. Not a very exciting price.


Test: Plantronics Voyager 520
Innovation / Teknologi4
Bundle - Tilbehør3
Design - Layout4

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