Fik lige en sjov mail

Hyggehjørnet d.  17. april. 2004, skrevet af The Leader
Vist: 206 gange.

17-04-2004 18:26:22
ha ha fik lige denne mail :d

Dear Sir,Madam,

I got your contact through serious searching for a reliable personality,I am Zenga Mobutu sese seko,the son of the late former president of Zaire(now Democratic Republic of congo).My father Mobutu sese seko died in Morocco on exile,when also the late civilian president Lawrence kabila wanted to put him in detention,and also to know where all his funds reserved were kept in foreign countries.

Before his death,he deposited the sum of $29,000,000.00(twenty-nine million united state dollars)with a financial security company in Europe, this financial company operates in fund management ,security handling and General appropriation.

I was notified by the said courier services to familiarize myself for verification of claim,that it was detected during their annual auditing that my father indicated my name as the next of kin to the said fortune.I informed my mother about this development,and she adviced me not to allow my father's family to know about the claim.And also,not to bring the money to Africa for investment.

To achieve this claim,I am in Africa seelikng a political refugee that is why i am looking for a trustworthy person who will sucessfully invest the money in a profitable Venture Abroad,So that I don't invest it wrongly.Since i do not have a legitimate company in Europe to back up this funds,and the pilitical problem involving me and my family.I am soliciting for your assistance to secretly put this fund in your account for safe keeping,pending my arrival for disbursment in your has been agreed that 70% of the whole sum will be for my family(personal use).while 25% will be for your assistance,and 5% will be set aside for expenses incured during the transaction.

This cash was defaced for security purpose and can be refaced for normal usage when it gets to it's final destination.The funds can also be moved through a diplomatic courier services to the final destination of delivery.

N:B please contact me through my e-mail address for more details.keep this confidential and treat this with discrection,while I await to hear from you.

Best Regards.

Zenga Mobutu Sese Seko.

Tænk at der er nogen der hopper på den :e :D