Man kan sagtens sænke multi på et chaintech nf3-250, Hent den nyeste bios til moboet og du skal se løjer :e
"I tried the new bios and it fixes the CPU temp and gives whole number multiplier options...just lower though " :e
Anyway I am running 240 FSB but had to lower my HT setting to X3 at 2.4 gig with a 3000+.
I have my PC4200 coming in the next few days coupled with a "9" multiplier...it should be a nice little gain. I also am getting a Venus 12 so I will update on how it performs versus the stock. Yes this is with stock cooling BTW
This is a great board for the money and the budget gamer...I LOVE IT.
I am also getting a Firewire PCI card for like 10 bucks and the Chainteck 7.1 sound for 23 bucks so that would make it a psuedo high ender for cheap. Wanted the on chip firewall and GB ethernet...but it was 80 bucks...can't complain about that.
I think it is the best board for an A64 right now if you are an overclocker. But that is just my opinion.
I also can't run this high unless I drop the HT setting to X3 which is bogus but no amount of chipset voltage gets me to 240 except X3.
Those are my results thusfar